Fundamental Rules
This is a brief explanation of a few of the basic courtesies and rules that our students and instructors follow. While respect for teachers and fellow students is a part of any class setting, it is more important in martial arts training where injuries may result if the instructors directions are not followed.
- When a student enters or leaves the the Do Jang, (the carpeted area of our gym) they are to bow. The bow is a display of respect and courtesy to the flags, fellow students, instructors and the Do Jang.
- No shoes are to be worn on the carpet.
- Students in each class are ordered by rank, with the highest ranks in front and on the right. Students of equal rank should line up by age.
- When a student is late for class, they are expected to do ten push-ups, kneel at the entrance, and wait for the instructor to invite them into class.
- When a student needs to adjust or correct their Do Bok (uniform) during class time, they are to turn and face the back of the Do Jang or away from their partner.
- If a student needs to stop participating during a class for any reason, they are to ask the instructor for permission.
- Instructors and higher belts should be addressed as "Sir" or "Ma'am" and answers are to be with "Yes, Sir" or "No, Ma'am," never "Yeah" or "Sure".
- When sparring in class, bow to your partner before beginning and bow and thank your partner afterward.
- All directions from instructors will be followed immediately in class, especially "kuman" which means "stop."
Your Do Bok should always be clean when you come to class.