What is Taekwondo?

Literally translated, the Korean word, "tae", means "to kick" or "squash with the foot". "Kwon" implies "a hand or fist to block, punch, strike or destroy". "Do" denotes an "art" or a "way". Thus, "tae kwon do" means "the art of kicking, blocking and punching".

Taekwondo is a system of symmetrical body exercises (or a system of techniques) designed for self-defense and counterattack in unarmed combat, making use of the hands and feet as weapons. However, Taekwondo is not merely a physical fighting skill - it is rather, a way of thought and life. Through strict discipline, Taekwondo trains both the mind and body, placing great emphasis on the development of moral character.

In other words, control of the mind, self-discipline, kindness and humility must accompany the physical grace.

Our Philosophy

Our goal is to teach people self defense and traditional Taekwondo in a pleasant family atmosphere. We teach the discipline and respect that you can expect from the martial arts but also we want families to enjoy the training. Aggressive actions and fighting are not allowed at our school and we do not require competition as any part of our program.